Montreal parents break the silence and stigma of baby loss

Mother grieves over the loss of her child

A group of parents in Montreal who have experienced the devastating loss of babies, whether before or after birth, are breaking the silence and stigma surrounding perinatal loss. They have launched various initiatives to support survivors of this often invisible grief, including illuminating Montreal's iconic Big O tower in blue.

One mother who lost three children at birth, Karine Burelle, founded the charitable organization Fondation La Berceuse, which provides refrigerated bassinets to hospitals, allowing families to spend precious moments with their babies after a perinatal death. The foundation also aims to raise awareness about the quiet tragedy of losing an infant.

Désirée McGraw, a Liberal MNA, has tabled a bill in the National Assembly to recognize Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day in Quebec on October 15, offering support to the thousands of families who have experienced perinatal loss. The bill has been unanimously accepted, and its adoption depends on further legislative actions.

The article also highlights the need for better psychological support for bereaved parents and the therapeutic value of an art exhibit created by grieving parents to raise awareness and encourage discussions about perinatal loss.

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